Memorandum of Understanding covering the establishment of the IIIF Consortium - Exhibit C

16 June 2015

Role and Functions of a Host Institution

Draft Document for Discussion

For IIIF to be successful and sustainable over the long-term, it will need several critical activities:

  • data modeling, specification & API editorialization (define, maintain, extend)
  • interoperability advocacy (marketing & outreach to spur awareness and adoption by repos, by software providers, by scholars, by like groups)
  • software for key tools (such as manifest creators, data converters & validator utilities; reference implementations; integrations & tools of broad common interest)
  • training & implementation support (data modeling & software implementation advice, consulting, classes, workshops, online and in person engagement)
  • community management (support for community fora such as Github, email lists, working group meetings, response to inquiries, etc.)

These activities will need to be supported through a combination of resourcing strategies: volunteers, Members’ in kind contributions, contract or staffed positions. The IIIFC Host Organization will provide critical support for these activities by providing financial, legal, staffing and contracting needs. Specifically, the Host Organization could:

a. invoice member institutions for annual contributions; b. disburse IIIFC funds as requested by IIIFC Executive Group; c. employ staff member(s) recruited by IIIFC Executive Group (with participation by host) for roles and duties specified by IIIFC Executive Group; d. contract for services on behalf of IIIFC, as specified and funded by IIIFC Executive Group; e. provide annual financial and functional reports as well as biennial audits reports that include IIIFC funds; f. provide legal services as requested and funded by the IIIFC Executive Group, such as registering and holding trademark for IIIFC; g. potentially serve as primary recipient for grants and disburser of funds to partners / subawardees; h. work flexibly with IIIFC Executive Group as the organization matures and needs change.

Suggested Characteristics of a Host Organization:

  1. Not one of Core Founders
  2. Not for profit
  3. Not supported by a government
  4. Multi-national presence and activities
  5. Ability to accept and pay funds in many currencies
  6. Demonstrated capacity to host community-building & maintaining staff
  7. No service or capacity competing with IIIF
  8. Deep engagement with digital programs in libraries, archives and museums
  9. Transparency of governance & biennial audits
  10. Willingness to accept representative of IIIF Core Founders on governing board.
  11. Incurs minimal, reasonable expenses associated with hosting and supporting IIIF organizationally (in terms of administrative overhead, indirect costs and/or VAT / sales taxes)