Hotels for the 2020 Annual Conference - Boston, MA, USA

Below is a short list of nearby hotels with which we have been able to negotiate special rates and pre-arranged room bookings. In some cases, web-reservations do not reflect the special rates. Please then make your reservation by email/telephone.

Hotels (red markers on map below)

Main conference location

Other conference locations

In addition to the options above, there are many rooms available at a variety of price points through sites like Airbnb and others that offer listings for hotels, bed and breakfast inns, and more.

  • Airbnb
    • A variety of options available in Cambridge, MA and Boston, MA, including rooms for rent as well as entire apartments.
  • Google Hotel search
    • Includes a variety of listings for large and small hotels as well as B&Bs, Inns, and more.

We have also contacted nearby schools to see about on-campus housing, and we’ll update this page with details as soon as we have any to share.