Call for Proposals: 2024 IIIF Online Meeting

The 2024 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Online Meeting will be held November 12-14. This year’s meeting will follow a Working and Learning theme, with a program built to provide attendees with a look into new and innovative IIIF projects, implementations, developments, and tools, as well as opportunities to learn new skills.

Submissions are due by September 15, 2024.


The event organizers are looking for proposals in the following formats:

  • Lightning talks (7 minutes)
  • Online workshop/training sessions (up to 2 hours)


  • Accepted lightning talks will be pre-recorded, though presenters are asked to be present during the online meeting if possible to participate in Q&A following the presentation.
  • Online workshops or training sessions should be interactive events with clearly stated target audiences and learning outcomes.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by a committee. This year, we will prioritize submissions from first-time presenters; likewise, while it is possible to submit multiple proposals, we will ask that any given speaker appear only once in the final program.
  • Final versions of the accepted abstracts and presentations will be made openly available after the conference.

Proposal themes

Lightning Talks

We encourage showcasing developments in IIIF and in particular would welcome presentations in the following areas:

  • IIIF implementations featuring unique or uncommon collections
  • Using IIIF material for Machine Learning and AI
  • IIIF Audio/Visual use cases and implementations
  • Implementations of IIIF outside of North America/Europe
  • Implementations of IIIF outside of Cultural Heritage
  • Annotation, including full-text or academic use cases
  • New tools and platforms


Workshop submissions must have an abstract, a proposed outline schedule, and desired outcomes (e.g., “at this end of this session, participants will be able to place IIIF manifests on a web map”, or “at the end of this session, participants will be able to use IIIF manifests to create guided storytelling exhibitions”). This year, seeking workshop proposals aimed at end users, researchers, and educators as well as workshops for experienced IIIF practitioners.


Please submit proposals through Google Forms:


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