Support Deep Viewing with Basic Use of a IIIF Image Service

Use Case

You have a rare or special object in your collection that you’d like to make available for research to a large audience, including those without the ability to be present at your institution to examine the object in person. Presenting a medium-resolution flat digital image of the object using IIIF is possible, but if you have implemented a IIIF Image API service, you have significantly enhanced interaction possibilities for research and engagement. Specifying a IIIF Image API service in your presentation manifest allows for, among other features, proper deep zooming of large high-resolution images, client generation of derivatives, annotation of and external reference to image fragments, image rotation, choice of colors, creation of image fragments for annotation, and more. In turn, this permits researchers more sophisticated inspection of the object and more possibilities for stable, durable, and discoverable image-based scholarship.

Implementation Notes

A service may be attached to any IIIF resource type, and requires at minumum the use of id and type. The annotation structure follows that of the Simplest Manifest - Image recipe. Within the body of the image annotation, specify the IIIF Image API service using the service property. The service’s id property value is the base URI of that IIIF Image API service.

The type tells the client what version of the IIIF Image API (1, 2, or 3) you are referencing. Values for type are defined in the IIIF Registry of Services and include values for compatibility with other IIIF APIs. See the service property in the IIIF Presentation specification for more information.

Image service properties should include a profile property, with a value representing the service’s level of compliance with the IIIF Image specification. You may read more about service compliance level in the Image API Compliance specification.

As an optimisation you may want to include all of the info.json content (excluding the @context) as the content of the service sections of your manifest. Doing so allows clients to take selected actions, such as choosing an appropriate thumbnail, without making separate requests to the service.


Though a version 3 Manifest may specify a service using the version 2 @id and @type property formats, these are only to be used when you are specifying an image service that itself is version 2. See [recipe 75][0075] for more on this topic.


JSON-LD | View in Mirador | View in Annona | View in Clover | View in Glycerine Viewer

Code samples: Python: iiif-prezi3

Related recipes

  • Simplest Manifest - Image demonstrates use of an image without a IIIF Image API service.
  • Add Image Thumbnail discusses {how to work with thumbnail images}
  • [Presentation version 3 manifest containing images on a version 2 service][00XX] forms part of the recipes connected with upgrading your offerings from v2 to v3.
  • [Services][0055]