Embedding HTML in descriptive properties

Use Case

You want to have more control on how your metadata is displayed by adding links or simple formatting instructions to selected text blocks. For example, scientific names might need special formatting and links out to other sites benefit from being activatable. Legacy systems may also include rudimentary formatting in their output.

Implementation notes

You may include minimal HTML markup only in the summary property and the value property in the metadata and requiredStatement objects. HTML is not permitted in label or other properties. Your HTML must be well-formed XML and therefore must be wrapped in an element such as p or span.

To alert a consuming application that your content is HTML, the first character in your string must be ‘<’ and the last character must be ‘>’. If your content is plain text but happens to start and end with angle brackets as described above, add an additional whitespace character to the end of the value.


For security reasons, clients are expected to allow only a, b, br, i, img, p, small, span, sub, and sup tags, and may remove any or all of those. For more details of permitted and prohibited markup, see the specification.


JSON-LD | View in Universal Viewer | View in Mirador | View in Annona | View in Clover | View in Glycerine Viewer

Code samples: Python: iiif-prezi3

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