IIIF Annual Conference Travel and Hotel Information

Travel by air

  • The nearest airport is Boston/Logan International Airport (BOS).
  • Upon arrival at Logan Airport, you can take the Silver Line Bus to the Red Line train which will bring you to Cambridge. Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are also available.

Travel by train

  • For those traveling from within the US, the closest Amtrak station is Boston’s South Station.
  • Upon arrival at South Station, you can take the Red Line train directly into Cambridge. Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are also available.

Local transportation

  • The MBTA provides local transportation in Boston and Cambridge via bus and train. Please see their website to plan your local trip.
  • Some hotels provide shuttle service to main areas of Cambridge such as Harvard and Central squares. Check your hotel amenities for further information.

Guaranteed rate hotels

We have reserved guaranteed rates for conference attendees at local hotels, and other hotels are also available nearby. We encourage you to book well in advance as demand in the area is currently high.

Hotel 1868

Located in Porter Square, one train stop away from Harvard University and three stops from MIT. Please call or email the hotel directly to get our conference rates: +1 617.499.2998 / info@hotel1868.com. Rates are $205/Mini Queen, $255/Standard Queen using code IIIF22. These rates cover stays between June 5-8.

Porter Square Hotel

Located in Porter Square, one train stop away from Harvard University and three stops from MIT. Please call or email the hotel directly to get our conference rates: info@theportersquarehotel.com / +1 617.499.3399. Rates are $215/Petite Double Twin, $219/Petite Queen, $229/Deluxe Double Twin, $239/Deluxe Queen, $259/Queen Suite using code IIIF22. These rates cover stays between June 5-8.

Other hotels

Sonder 907 Main

Located in Central Square, one train stop from Harvard University and one stop from MIT. Rates vary.