Status of this Document
This document is not subject to semantic versioning. Changes will be tracked within the document.
Copyright © 2012-2024 Editors and contributors. Published by the IIIF Consortium under the CC-BY license, see disclaimer.
1. Introduction
This document describes a way to store the metadata needed to georeference a IIIF resource in a Georeference Annotation. Georeference Annotations can be used to convert images such as digitized maps and aerial photographs into geospatial assets.
The IIIF Presentation API has the capability to support complex Web Annotations which can provide detailed and specific information regarding IIIF resources. You can see various use cases which implement such Web Annotations in the IIIF Cookbook. Through the work of the IIIF Maps Community Group and IIIF Maps TSG, a commonality of techniques to georeference IIIF Canvases and Images in the context of a global map became evident, and a desire to have standards and best practices for georeferencing became known.
1.1 Objectives and Scope
This document will supply vocabulary and a JSON-LD 1.1 context allowing for a JSON-LD pattern by which to extend Web Annotation and the IIIF Presentation API to support georeferencing. This pattern promotes interoperability for georeferenced maps across different georeferencing platforms, even those which focus on georeferencing for a specific use case such as those listed in the Motivating Use Cases section below.
The existing GeoJSON format is adopted for its linked data vocabulary and context for geographic coordinates. This means coordinates are expressed through the WGS84 coordinate reference system. As such, expressing the location of extraterrestrial entities is not supported by this technique.
Further, the following use cases are not in scope:
- Geotagging of (non-aerial) photographs. This extension is aimed at georeferencing cartographic IIIF resources containing two-dimensional representations of the three-dimensional surface of the globe. Usage may extend to other representations that can be mapped to geospatial coordinates, such as orthographic plan projections or vertical aerial photographs. Geotagging photographs is out of scope because this requires a different set of data points and relates to other use cases. Please refer to the navPlace Extension for an alternative solution.
- Georeferencing altitude or elevation. The GeoJSON format supports a third position element indicating the “height in meters above or below the WGS84 reference ellipsoid”. Adding this position element will not result in an invalid Georeference Annotation, but this extension will not cover any use of this element. It may be utilized in future versions of this extension.
- Specifying the original map projection and related coordinate reference system (CRS) of a IIIF resource. When selecting a transformation method to warp a map, it can be useful to know the original map projection of a IIIF resource, such as Mercator or Lambert. Including this in the Georeference Annotation would require a complex taxonomy, which is out of scope. A solution is to include this information in the metadata of the IIIF Manifest, or in a machine readable format referenced through the seeAlso property.
1.2 Motivating Use Cases
- Adding IIIF resources as map layers to dynamic web maps or in GIS applications. Based on georeference data, clients can transform IIIF resources by scaling, skewing, rotating and stretching them. This process, also called warping, can be carried out through various methods.
- The previous use case also supports stitching together multiple map sheets, each represented by a single IIIF resource, to form a composite map. Alternatively, it can be used to compare different versions of the same map or a collection of maps of the same area.
- Geospatial exploration of IIIF resources. Georeference data can be used to compute the geospatial areas depicted on IIIF resources. This enables geospatial indexing and harvesting by geospatial search engines.
- The same method can be used to convert Web Annotations to geographic formats such as GeoJSON, and vice versa. This can be used to display Web Annotations as vectors in a map interface or to paint geographic data onto a Canvas from its connected Annotations.
- Calculating the scale (in pixels per unit of length) and orientation (compass direction) of IIIF resources. This can be used to improve user experiences when viewing IIIF resources or for indexing.
- Converting IIIF resources to a variety of raster map formats such as GeoTIFF and XYZ map tiles. This allows resources to be used in conventional GIS software.
1.3 Terminology
This extension uses the following terms:
- embedded: When a resource (A) is embedded within an embedding resource (B), the complete JSON representation of resource A is present within the JSON representation of resource B, and dereferencing the URI of resource A will not result in additional information. Example: Canvas A is embedded in Manifest B.
- referenced: When a resource (A) is referenced from a referencing resource (B), an incomplete JSON representation of resource A is present within the JSON representation of resource B, and dereferencing the URI of resource A will result in additional information. Example: Manifest A is referenced from Collection B.
- HTTP(S): The HTTP or HTTPS URI scheme and internet protocol.
The terms array, JSON object, number, string, and boolean in this document are to be interpreted as defined by the Javascript Object Notation (JSON) specification.
The key words must, must not, required, shall, shall not, should, should not, recommended, may, and optional in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
2. Georeferencing IIIF Resources
2.1 Georeferencing
Georeferencing is the process of mapping the internal coordinates of an image to geographic coordinates. For the purposes of this extension, references to IIIF resource equate to a IIIF Presentation API Canvas or Image Service. To qualify for georeferencing, the IIIF resource must include one or more regions that can be mapped to geographic coordinates such as cartographic material, aerial photographs, archaeological drawings, and building plans. In this extension, each of these regions is called a map.
To be georeferenced with a single Georeference Annotation the image information of the IIIF resource must be accessible with a single, continuous cartesian coordinate system. This is why a Georeferencing Annotation can be used to georeference a Canvas or Image Service, but not a Manifest or Range. To georeference a Manifest or Range, multiple Georeference Annotations are needed, one for each Canvas or Image Service in the Manifest or Range.
2.2 Georeferencing Process
The process of georeferencing consists of the following steps:
- Selecting a IIIF resource. When a resource depicts multiple maps (such as inset maps) or when the resource contains non-cartographic parts (such as legends or borders), a polygonal selector is used to select a region of the resource that corresponds to a single map. The shape of a polygonal selector can vary from a simple rectangle to a more complex polygon. This step is called cropping or masking in other georeferencing software.
- Defining a mapping between coordinates on the IIIF resource and corresponding geographic WGS84 coordinates. This mapping consists of pairs of resource coordinates and geographic coordinates. Each pair of coordinates is called a Ground Control Point (GCP). At least three GCPs are needed to enable clients to warp a map.
- Optionally, a preferred transformation algorithm is defined that clients can use to turn the discrete set of GCPs into a function that interpolates any of the IIIF resource coordinates to geographic coordinates, and vice versa.
In Georeference Annotations, these steps are encoded as follows:
Data | Georeference Annotation |
Resource and selector | IIIF Presentation API Canvas or Image API Image Service with an optional SVG Selector or Image API Selector |
GCPs | A GeoJSON Feature Collection where each GCP is stored as a GeoJSON Feature with Point geometry and a resourceCoords property in the Feature’s properties object |
Transformation algorithm | A transformation property defined on the GeoJSON Feature Collection that holds the GCPs |
Target Projection
Please note that the Georeference Extension does not provide a property for specifying which geographic projection should be targeted when warping a IIIF resource. Most commonly, IIIF resources will be warped to the WGS84 / Pseudo Mercator projection (EPSG:3857), which is the current de facto standard for web mapping interfaces. Targeting another projection, even while using the same set of GCPs, will produce a different result. A property for specifying a target projection may be added in future versions of the extension.
3. Web Annotations for Georeferencing
The combined information described in Section 2 is stored in a Georeference Annotation using the Web Annotation Data Model. This section details the structure of a Georeference Annotation and its relationship to the IIIF Presentation API and Image API. It includes examples of the different properties and options.
3.1 Embedded vs. Referenced Annotations
Georeference Annotations can be included in a IIIF Presentation API response as part of an Annotation Page under the annotations
property of a Canvas. Alternatively, Georeference Annotations can exist independent of their targeted IIIF resource and can be retrieved by resolving their URI id
For Georeference Annotations included in a Canvas, implementers must have at least one Annotation Page in the annotations
property of the targeted Canvas. Implementers have the option to reference or embed those Annotation Pages. For the purposes of this extension, implementers should embed the Annotation Pages in the annotations
property as opposed to referencing them. See the Cookbook entry Embedded or referenced Annotations for a close look at the difference.
Why should you embed?
Embedding resources reduces the need to make HTTP calls. It also ensures the availability of resources when URIs do not resolve. In those cases it would otherwise not be possible to display or use those resources in client applications. If you are certain the resources you are referencing will consistently resolve to the same object you plan to embed then you can move past this suggestion.
3.2 Georeference Annotation motivation
The motivation
property declares the reason for creating the Georeference Annotation. The motivation
property should be included on all Georeference Annotations and when included it must have the value georeferencing
The linked data context provided with this document includes the formal JSON-LD 1.1 motivation extension, and the vocabulary provided with this document contains the formal vocabulary for the georeferencing
motivation discussed above.
3.3 Georeference Annotation target
The target
property describes the resource that the Georeference Annotation applies to. The value for target
must either be a single and full IIIF resource, or a single region within a IIIF resource represented as a Specific Resource.
For Georeference Annotations embedded in the annotations
property of a Canvas, the target
must be the Canvas URI. When the desired target is a part of a Canvas represented by a Specific Resource, the source
must be the Canvas URI. For Georeference Annotations that are external to the IIIF resource they target, implementers should embed the IIIF resource in the target
property instead of referencing it.
Clients processing the georeferencing information require the original height and width of the resources to have the proper aspect ratios. Implementers should add the height
and width
properties to their embedded resources for consistency.
Sometimes the targeted resource exists within a parent resource, such as a targeted Canvas that exists embedded in some Manifest. In these cases, it is important to maintain the link between them to access useful contextual information. Implementers may use the partOf
property to reference the parent resource.
3.3.1 Targeting the Full Resource
Example of a Georeference Annotation target
that is an entire Canvas:
"target": {
"id" : ""
"type": "Canvas",
"height": 2000,
"width": 1000
3.3.2 Targeting a Specific Region of the Resource
When a Specific Resource is used as a target
, the source
property supplies the resource and the selector
property indicates the region of the resource that the annotation applies to. To select a rectangular or polygonal region, a IIIF Image API Selector or an SVG Selector can be used. An SVG Selector can be used on both Canvas and ImageService resources and is the preferred technique.
Example of a Georeference Annotation target
with a SVG Selector on a Canvas:
"target": {
"id": "",
"type": "SpecificResource",
"source": {
"id": "",
"type": "Canvas",
"height": 2514,
"width": 5965
"selector": {
"type": "SvgSelector",
"value": "<svg><polygon points=\"59,84 44,2329 5932,2353 5920,103 \" /></svg>"
There are some limitations to the type of SVG Selectors you can use to ensure that each map is a single shape without holes:
- The
element must contain a single child element. - This single child element must either be a
or a<rect>
. - When a
element is used, therx
attributes must not be used. - The
attribute must not be used on thesvg
element. - The
element may includewidth
attributes. When these attributes are included, they must be equal to the width and height of the targeted resource and they must be numbers without units. - The
attribute must not be used on any of the SVG Selector’s elements.
3.3.3 Content Variants
Multiple Maps Depicted on a Single IIIF Resource
It is common that a single IIIF resource depicts multiple maps, such as an image of a map with additional inset maps. Such a resource can be georeferenced by using multiple Georeference Annotations, each with their own SVG Selector and GCPs.

A Canvas with multiple painting Annotations
It is also possible for a Canvas to contain multiple painting Annotations, each of a separate map. When the maps on the Canvas align properly, such a Canvas can be georeferenced at once, using a single Georeference Annotation.

More Georeference Annotation examples with robust implementation guidance will be available through the IIIF Cookbook. This document will be updated with links to those recipes as they become available.
3.4 Georeference Annotation body
The body
of a Georeference Annotation contains the geospatial information about the resource that is referenced or embedded in the target
property. For the purposes of this extension the body
contains the GCPs. The value for body
must be a GeoJSON Feature Collection. The Feature Collection must only contain Features with Point geometries and should contain at least three Point Features.
All commonly used transformation algorithms (including the ones described below) that are used to warp images require at least three GCPs. Algorithms exist that only need two GCPs, but they require information about the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the map. This extension does not support adding information about a map’s CRS, as explained in Section 1.1.
Still, a Georeference Annotation that contains less than three GCPs is valid. Such Georeference Annotations hold geospatial information that can be used in geospatial databases or GIS applications. In crowdsourcing scenarios “incomplete” Georeference Annotations can be finished by someone else while intermediary results still comply with this extension.
An example of the Georeference Annotation body
"body": {
"id": "",
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"transformation": {
"features": [
3.5 The resourceCoords
The resourceCoords
property is defined by this document in order to supply the coordinates from the IIIF resource and the WGS84 coordinates
in a Feature together to form a single GCP. Each Feature in the Feature Collection must have the resourceCoords
property in the properties
property. The value is an array representing a resource coordinate at (x, y) and must be exactly in that order.
An example of a Feature with the resourceCoords
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [5085, 782]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.4885839, 51.9101828]
Coordinate System of GCP Resource Coordinates
The resourceCoords
property uses the same cartesian coordinate system as the targeted IIIF resource. When the Georeference Annotation’s targeted resource is the full resource or a selected region of the resource via an SVG selector, the resourceCoords
value (x, y) corresponds to coordinates (x, y) of that resource. However, when an Image API Selector is used instead of an SVG Selector the resourceCoords
value (x, y) corresponds to the translated, resized and rotated coordinates according to the Selector’s region, size and rotation parameters.
3.6 The transformation
The transformation
property is defined by this document in order to supply the preferred transformation algorithm that is used to create a complete mapping from pixel coordinates to geographic coordinates (and vice versa) based on a list of GCPs. The value for transformation
is a JSON object which includes the properties type
and options
. The property may be added to the Feature Collection used in the Georeference Annotation body
and clients may use the information in the object.
If a transformation algorithm is not provided, clients should use their default algorithm. Similarly, if the supplied transformation algorithm is not supported by a client, that client should use their default algorithm.
The name of the preferred transformation algorithm is stored in the type
property inside the transformation
JSON object. Typical values include but are not limited to:
Transformation type | Description | Options |
polynomial |
1st, 2nd or 3rd order polynomial transformation | order |
thinPlateSpline |
Thin plate spline transformation, also known as rubber sheeting | N/A |
The options
property is used to supply additional parameters related to the selected transformation type. If a transformation type does not have or require options, implementers should not include the options
The table below describes the different possible order
values for the polynomial
transformation type.
Value | Description |
1 |
1st order (linear) polynomial transformation |
2 |
2nd order (quadratic) polynomial transformation |
3 |
3nd order (cubic) polynomial transformation |
Other properties within options
, including other transformation types not defined in this document, should be described either by registered IIIF API extensions or local linked data contexts. If a client is not able to process properties then it must ignore them.
Example of a transformation
JSON object:
"transformation": {
"type": "polynomial",
"options": {
"order": 1
4. Full Examples
4.1 Full Canvas Example
"@context": [
"id": "",
"type": "Canvas",
"label": {
"nl": ["River Nieuwe Maas and Rotterdam's Havens"],
"en": ["Guide to the New-Waterway"]
"height": 2514,
"width": 5965,
"items": [
"id": "",
"type": "AnnotationPage",
"items": [
"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": "painting",
"body": {
"id": "",
"type": "Image",
"format": "image/jpeg",
"height": 2514,
"width": 5965,
"service": [
"@id": "",
"type": "ImageService2"
"target": ""
"annotations": [
"id": "",
"type": "AnnotationPage",
"items": [
"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": "georeferencing",
"target": "",
"body": {
"id": "",
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"transformation": {
"type": "polynomial",
"options": {
"order": 1
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [5085, 782]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.4885839, 51.9101828]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [5467, 1338]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.5011785, 51.901595]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [2006, 374]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.405981, 51.9091596]
"partOf": [{
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest"
4.2 Full Georeference Annotation Example
"@context": [
"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": "georeferencing",
"target": {
"id": "",
"type": "Canvas",
"label": {
"nl": ["River Nieuwe Maas and Rotterdam's Havens"],
"en": ["Guide to the New-Waterway"]
"height": 2514,
"width": 5965,
"items": [
"id": "",
"type": "AnnotationPage",
"items": [
"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": "painting",
"body": {
"id": "",
"type": "Image",
"format": "image/jpeg",
"height": 2514,
"width": 5965,
"service": [
"@id": "",
"type": "ImageService2"
"target": ""
"partOf": [{
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest"
"body": {
"id": "",
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"transformation": {
"type": "polynomial",
"options": {
"order": 1
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [5085, 782]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.4885839, 51.9101828]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [5467, 1338]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.5011785, 51.901595]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"resourceCoords": [2006, 374]
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [4.405981, 51.9091596]
5. Linked Data Context
- The URI of this extension’s linked data context is
- The URI of the IIIF Presentation API linked data context is
The linked data context of this extension must be included before the IIIF Presentation API linked data context on the top-level object. The extension linked data context file includes the GeoJSON-LD context through context scoping. This means the GeoJSON-LD context URI does not have to be explicitly included on the top level object. Note that since the IIIF Presentation API linked data context has the JSON-LD @version
set to 1.1, all linked data contexts are processed as JSON-LD 1.1. It is also worth noting the linked data context for this extension also has @version
set to 1.1. If this context is used in another setting, it will have the same behavior. JSON-LD 1.0 processors will throw a version error.
Consult the Linked Data Context and Extensions section of IIIF Presentation API for further guidance on use of the @context
6. Appendices
A. Acknowledgements
This extension was produced by the IIIF Maps Community Group and IIIF Maps Technical Specification Group. Of course, assistance came from many branches of the IIIF Community. We thank everyone for their time and perseverance given to ensure this extension is as useful as possible.
A grant from Stichting Pica for the further development of Allmaps Viewer made the completion of this extension possible.
B. Change Log
Date | Description |
2023-05-15 | Initial publication |