1: Simplest Manifest - Single Image File
Tagged: image | presentation
The simplest viable manifest for image content. If all you have for an object is one image on the web and a label, this pattern turns it into a IIIF Presentation resource.
2: Simplest Manifest - Audio
Tagged: audio | presentation
The simplest viable manifest for audio content. This pattern presents a single audio file in a IIIF Presentation resource.
3: Simplest Manifest - Video
Tagged: video | presentation
The simplest viable manifest for video content. This pattern presents a single video file in a IIIF Presentation resource.
4: Image and Canvas with Differing Dimensions
Tagged: image | presentation | canvas
Demonstrates that image dimensions (pixels) need not be the same as the Canvas dimensions (unit-less)
5: Support Deep Viewing with Basic Use of a IIIF Image Service
Tagged: image | annex | service | services | specifications | transitional
Paint a Canvas using an image with an associated IIIF Image API service.
6: Internationalization and Multi-language Values
Tagged: i18n | text | presentation
An example of a IIIF Resource with labels/descriptions in multiple languages.
7: Embedding HTML in descriptive properties
Tagged: text | presentation
You want to have more control on how your metadata is displayed. For example scientific names, and also links out to other sites. Also legacy systems that might include things like italic tags.
8: Rights statement
Tagged: text | presentation
You want to assert a license or rights statement that applies to the content of the resource, such as the JSON of a Manifest or the pixels of an image.
9: Simple Manifest - Book
Tagged: image | presentation
Represent a book, or any object composed of a set of images, as a simple Manifest.
10: Viewing direction and Its Effect on Navigation
Tagged: image, text, layout
Informing a client how the Canvases should be displayed to the viewer in order to read the contents authentically in accordance with the script used, object layout, or reading practice.
11: Book 'behavior' Variations (continuous, individuals)
The 'behavior' property specifies how Canvases should be displayed in the viewer in relation to one another, such as paged for book-view, continuous for a scroll or accordion book, or as individuals for a book imaged as full page spreads.
13: Load a Preview Image Before the Main Content
Tagged: video, audio, image, av
Provide the user with something to look at before they choose to start interacting with the main content, and/or while they wait for it to load/buffer.
14: Audio Presentation with Accompanying Image
Provide the user with something to look at before they choose to start interacting with the main content, and/or while they wait for it to load/buffer, and/or while interacting with the main content.
15: Annotating a specific point of an image
Tagged: image
This recipe explains how to annotate a specific point of an image.
15: Begin playback at a specific point - Time-based media
This manifest uses the 'start' property to specify a point in an audio or video object where a client application should begin playback.
17: Providing Access to Transcript Files of A/V Content
Tagged: audio | video | presentation | transcript
Transcripts as alternative representation of A/V content
19: HTML in Annotations
Tagged: tbc
21: Simple Annotation — Tagging
Tagged: annotation
Tagging as a basic Annotation
22: Redirecting from one Canvas to another resource (Hotspot linking)
Tagged: annotation
Link a portion of a Canvas to another resource.
24: Table of Contents for Book Chapters
Using Ranges to create a table of contents for a book
26: Table of Contents for A/V Content
Tagged: video | presentation | opera
Complex nested table of contents for an opera.
29: Metadata on any Resource
Tagged: presentation
Provide item metadata for displaying to users
30: Multi-volume Work with Individually-bound Volumes
Tagged: tbc
31: Multiple Volumes in a Single Bound Volume
Tagged: sammelband | multi-volume
Recipe for a multi-volume object where the volumes are bound together in a single codex.
32: Simple Collection
Tagged: presentation
33: Multiple Choice of Images in a Single View (Canvas)
Tagged: multiple-images | layers
How to model multiple choices of images for the same view - e.g., layers, multispectral images.
35: Foldouts, Flaps, and Maps
Tagged: images | behavior | non-paged
Demonstrates how to model a foldout diagram or map.
36: Composition from Multiple Images
Tagged: segmentation | complex-canvas | multiple-images
Building scenes or compositions using multiple assets.
40: Image Rotation Two Ways
Tagged: image, manipulation, service, CSS
Two approaches for rotating an image or annotation on a canvas
46: Providing Alternative Representations
Tagged: image | presentation | canvas
Linking to non-IIIF representations of the object, such as a PDF.
47: Linking to Web Page of an Object
Tagged: metadata | presentation
53: Linking to Structured Metadata
Tagged: metadata | presentation
64: Table of Contents for Multiple A/V Files on a Single Canvas
Tagged: video | presentation | opera
A video recording of an opera on one Canvas.
65: Table of Contents for Multiple A/V Files on Multiple Canvases
Tagged: video | presentation | opera
A real world example of an audio recording of an opera spread across multiple Canvases.
68: Basic Newspaper
Tagged: structural | transcript | presentation
An introduction to a relatively simple multi-issue title newspaper with OCR content
74: Using Caption and Subtitle Files in Multiple Languages with Video Content
Tagged: video | caption | subtitle | presentation
Representing the relationship between a video file and its caption or subtitle files for multiple languages.
117: Image Thumbnail for Manifest
Tagged: image | presentation
Display a thumbnail image for a resource other than a Canvas, such that it can be used by clients to represent the object.
118: Displaying Multiple Values with Language Maps
Tagged: tbc
The language map pattern requires that all values are supplied as an array, whether a single value string or a string of multiple values.
139: Represent Canvas Fragment as a Geographic Area in a Web Mapping Client
Tagged: maps | annotation
Use Web Annotation to provide geocoordinates for a fragment of an IIIF Presentation API 3.0 Canvas.
154: Locate a Manifest on a Web Map
Tagged: maps | geolocate | navPlace
Use the navPlace extension to provide geolocation information about an IIIF Presentation API 3.0 Manifest.
202: Load Manifest Beginning with a Specific Canvas
Tagged: image
This manifest uses the 'start' property to specify which Canvas the client should display on initialization of the resource.
219: Using Caption and Subtitle Files with Video Content
Tagged: video | caption | subtitle | presentation
Providing a caption or subtitle file to a video resource.
230: Navigation by Chronology
Tagged: date
231: Transcripts, Captions, and Subtitles - General Considerations
Tagged: Transcripts | Captions | Subtitles
General Considerations for using Transcripts, Captions, and Subtitles
232: Implementation discussion: Thumbnails on Canvases
Tagged: image | presentation
Implementation discussion for specifying thumbnails on Resources, especially Canvases, such that they can be used by clients to represent the object.
234: Acknowledge Content Contributors
Tagged: provider
Include a rich set of information for each content contributor so clients can make this information visible.
240: Locate Multiple Canvases on a Web Map
Tagged: maps | geolocate | navPlace
Use the navPlace extension to provide geolocation information for the Canvas items of an IIIF Presentation API 3.0 Manifest.
258: Tagging with an External Resource
Tagged: annotation, tagging, linking
Connect a tagging annotation to an external resource
261: Annotation with a Non-Rectangular Polygon
Tagged: images | commenting | annotation
For a IIIF resource, you would like to add a simple annotation to the resource, where the area of the resource you would like to highlight is not a rectangle.
266: Simplest Annotation
Tagged: tbc
269: Embedded or referenced Annotations
Tagged: tbc
Annotations can be embedded in the manifest or referenced from external URIs.
283: Missing Images in a Sequence
Tagged: image | presentation
Represent a missing image from a paged object in a sequence.
299: Addressing a Spatial Region
Tagged: fragment
Presenting a spatial region of a IIIF image resource independently
306: Linking external Annotations targeting a Canvas to a Manifest
Tagged: annotation | multiple-images
Keep a resolvable link between annotations (contained in an external Annotation Page) and the Manifest containing the Canvases they are pointing at.
309: Grouping Annotations into Collections
Tagged: tbc
318: Locating an Item in Place and Time
Tagged: maps | geolocate | navPlace | navDate
Use navDate together with the navPlace extension to provide geographic and temporal data
326: Annotate specific images or layers
Tagged: annotation | multiple-images | layers
Annotate a single image or layer when more than one image is present on the Canvas.
346: Annotating in Multiple Languages
Tagged: annotation
377: Image in Annotations
Tagged: annotation
Provides an image in an annotation
434: Multiple Choice of Audio Formats in a Single View (Canvas)
Tagged: multiple-files | layers
How to model multiple choices of audio files for the same sound - e.g., formats.
466: Sharing a link to open a Manifest in a specific viewer
Tagged: annotation
Allows users to use links that can be clicked to open a viewer with a selected manifest.
485: Open a specific region of a Canvas in a viewer
Tagged: annotation | content-state
Allows users to use Content State API to open a specific region of a Canvas by means of supported viewers.
499: Rendering Multiple Media Types on a Time-Based Canvas
Tagged: Complex Object
Paint a still image, a video with sound, and text onto a single Canvas